Sunday 28 September 2014

Why Large companies Use Aptitude tests?

Many organizations worldwide have incorporated aptitude tests in the recruitment process particularly for graduate jobs. This is because depending on the job, graduate recruitment tends to attract thousands of job applicants especially when advertised online. This could partly due to the rapid development of online social networking sites where organizations or individuals can share job vacancies to interested parties free of charge (save for the time taken to post!). Consequently, the hiring company would be overwhelmed by the sheer number of applications. Hiring graduates could be tricky particularly in situations where all have papers that meet minimum requirements e.g. a distinction in chemistry. A way has to be found through which a smaller number of applicants is selected to go to the final interview panel.
Companies have therefore employed various forms of graduate online aptitude tests to help downsize the number of applicants. Thesegraduate ability testsaptitude test for recruitment/incorporate various questions that test for specific skills sets and knowledge. Getting a distinction does not mean one can do what he purports to. Online sites have been developed to support candidates in preparing for company aptitude tests Popular practice test packages include Kenexa reasoning tests and Cubiks test. These tests contain sample aptitude tests for graduates that measure numerical, verbal and logical reasoning albeit using different test terminology.
Graduate test preparation also benefits from access to recruitment test tutorials that are constructed very similarly to the ‘real thing’. These are materials that contain questions popularly asked in these exams but most importantly, invaluable tips of answering them in a timely manner. Some sites do provide free graduate test videos to enrich the learning experience.
A google search of “list of large companies that use aptitude tests” returns more than a million hits, perhaps as an indication of just how widespread these tests for job recruitment are. Some of the companies listed in one of the hits ( include: Barclays capital, Betfair, BNP Paribas, British Airways, Capital One and Centrica.
Evidently, aptitude tests are used by a wide range of organizations. Financial institutions dominate the pack but transport companies and companies in the energy and water sectors also employ these tests. An important feature of these companies is that they are the dream career destinations for many graduates. This implies that with the advancement of platforms for knowledge sharing and social networking sites, many college students will increasingly line up for these jobs therefore the aptitude tests will increasingly be employed around the world.
If you are going to apply for a job and want to have tips about successfully passing your recruitment aptitude test, then you should have to be familiar with the nature of job along with gathering some relevant skills. Also, you should be confident within yourself and have faith in your expertise. You can also take sample graduate online test to have an idea about questions and your insight on the subject.
Comparative analysis of your skills, academic background, career guidance tests evaluation and past experience is also important to qualify for a job. Other things that companies determine from the graduate test include your hobbies, family support, preferred work environment, age, personality, and ethical values. All these factors help companies to shortlist their desired candidates and evaluate on the basis of their performance in past jobs and efficiency. Normally, companies have certain requirements of age and experience and they create tests according to the expertise or mind set of candidates. Like there are some tests for senior citizens where they are required to answer different questions associated with their past lives. They are inclined towards emotional quotient as the people, taking tests, have achieved a lot of success in their professional lives.
Technology changes, preferences change. It, therefore, goes that aptitude tests will change. New concepts will surface. New terminology like “aptutorial”, coined by Graduate Monkey; will inevitably become lingua franca for job and college applicants. This could ultimately shift the cost ofhiring graduates on to the candidates themselves since these tests are not entirely free of charge. However, given that these tests could be the “mountain” standing between the graduates and their dream jobs, all efforts to secure a seat at the interview panel are worth the pain.

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A look into Aptitude test and its importance

A look into Aptitude test and its importance

The Oxford online dictionary defines aptitude test as “a test designed to determine a person’s ability in a particular skill or field of knowledge” ( They are also referred to as cognitive ability or intelligence tests. These tests assume that different people possess different special abilities but most importantly, that these variations are important in predicting future achievements.   The first known use of aptitude test was in 1919, and increasingly, they have gained worldwide acceptance particularly in human resources circles. Aptitude tests are now an integral part of an employee recruitment process and Fibonicci argues that 70% of recruitment companies worldwide use aptitude tests
But just how important are these tests? With the advancement of information and communication technology, job openings can be viewed by millions of people worldwide, in spans of seconds after they are advertised online. Such is the importance of globalization. A Kenyan graduate can therefore apply for a job in a Scandinavian country. With thousands of applications streaming in, the potential employer therefore needs a standardised, verifiable, accountable but most importantly, relevant way of downsizing these applications to a manageable number, taking care not to eliminate best applicants.  Overall, candidates are selected depending on the threshold set for acceptable scores.
This process therefore saves an employer time since a much smaller number of candidates can be invited for interviews.  Provided that the testsvalidly identify people with the right skills and knowledge, the employer (or hiring firm) can rest easy that they can choose from the crème de la crème of the candidates. This is particularly important for specialised jobs where the recruit has to know his job and know it really well. These tests are also important in identifying further career development needs. These tests also strengthen objectivity in the employee selection process.
Aptitude tests measure various skills including logical, verbal, numerical and mechanical. The content of these tests is customised to the job requirements. Some of these tests are briefly described here:
These involve mathematical tests in which various form of questions are asked, and the candidate required to choose from multiple choices, the appropriate answer.
Kenexa reasoning teststhese contain three practice tests on i) SHL numerical reasoning ii) verbal reasoning and lastly, logical reasoning tests.  Numerical tests require candidates to critically evaluate numerical information presented in tables and graphs. 12 questions should be done in 17 minutes, therefore speed is of the essence here.  The second test (verbal), simply measures one’s comprehension of information presented. Candidates are required to read through the text and answer as “true” or “false”, the statements presented in relation to the passage. Only half a minute is typically allocated for each test question. The third test, on logical (or abstract) reasoning requires candidates to study some diagrams, and identify a pattern that will be used to determine how the next diagram should look like. This test contains 12 logical reasoning questions, and should be done within 6 minutes. Candidates are required to click a “finish” button to submit the answers.
This is a package developed by Saville consultants, and entails different tests that broadly measure comprehension and technical analysis. In addition to the tests highlighted in Kenexa, Saville package includes a technical aptitude test package that contains Spatial, mechanical and diagrammatic reasoning.  Aptitude test packages therefore come with different levels of complexity largely depending on the depth of skills and knowledge sought for by the recruiter.
Normally, aptitude tests are conducted on yearly basis before appraisal so as to evaluate the expertise and self esteem of candidates. There are a number of scientific tests designed in a general manner and appraisal is usually given by the qualified counsellors. The answers of aptitude testquestions are created with different degrees of agreement and disagreement. Then evaluation sheets are made mentioning scores of candidates that rate their skills according to the number of questions answered.
Apart from these facts, satisfaction is also an important thing for your success in a certain field so you should keep on improving your skills up to the level that will help you to become more and more preferable by the companies. If you are not sure about these tests, you can also watch someaptitude test tutorials in order to have an idea.
Due to the rising demands for aptitude test preparationseveral online resources have been developed. Graduate Monkey test tutorials can be accessed via  This tutorial package contains a range of helpful aptitude test questions as well as answer test questionsAlso featured are video test tutorialsaptitude test guides as well as sample aptitude test papers. Candidates can access any of these by paying a premium of at least £19.  Some of the key benefits of using these practice materials include tips for time-saving for complex questions as well as confidence building. “Aptutorial, is the new memorable name encompassing all these; aptitude test candidates will do well to utilise the resource.

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Saturday 27 September 2014

Aptitude tests are increasingly preferred worldwide for short-listing candidates for consideration of interviews. These examinations are commonly used by employers and academic institutions for consideration of select jobs or courses, respectively. A key advantage of using these tests owes to the fact that they eliminate candidates who may not meet aptitude or ability requirements of the job and thus saves organisations invaluable time that would otherwise have been spent interviewing a larger number of candidates. Suppose 1000 candidates applied for a job posting, what is the appropriate way of cutting down this number to a manageable size? Short listing involves a trade off. Sometimes in eliminating some applicants, it is possible that the most qualified ones get knocked off and those who do not fit the required profile do make it to the interview.
Aptitude tests serve a dual function: downsizing the number of applicants while enhancing chances of short-listing those who closely fit the requirements of the job. It also provides a transparent way of the selection process, since labour laws worldwide prescribe punitive measures against any forms of discrimination. Job interviews do cost a lot of money to organizations, depending on specific arrangements that organisations have put. For example, some organisations do compensate interviewees for travel, hotel costs and meals. It is highly desirable that the people who make it to the interview are good value for money.
Understandably, this exam is the game changer for the vast majority of applicants. It is referred to using such analogies as the guillotine, the hangman, the sieve, hurdle and chopping board. It is important that applicants for jobs prepare sufficiently for aptitude tests. Luckily, innovative tools are available to support candidates, and these can easily be accessed on the internet. One such tool is the Graduate Monkey, hosted on website.  This interactive site offers several aptitude tests preparation packages at only a fraction of an average graduate salary for a 4 month period. I highlight some of the practice tests offered here and thereafter, reasons why I would choose it for my preparation.
Some of the tests include:
  1. SHL numerical reasoning: this test enhances one’s chance of passing mathematical tests. It consists of a set of 18 questions, to be done within 25 minutes. It exposes users to diverse data contexts thereby readying them for any questions that could prove tough in the real test.
Abstract (Logical) Reasoning (SHL and Kenexa style): Also called Logical reasoning teststhese are part of non-verbal tests because they rely on “visual presentations of problems and their solutions”. Candidates study a series of patterns, identify the change of these patterns, and consequently predict the next pattern in the sequence.  These tests are also called diagrammatic tests and their main aim is to assess a candidate’s ability of diagrammatic reasoning. Test content could also be in the form of signs or symbols, called operators. These operators dictate how the next sequence ought to change. A key advantage of these tests is that they do not require any prior knowledge or language skills.
These tests can be purchased as single packages or under one consolidated pack. The consolidated pack comes at only £59 and it offers a significant saving to graduates. These arrangements therefore offer candidates flexibility in payment and materials access.
Various aptitude test preparation packages are used in preparing candidates. These include an aptitude test guide, aptitude test tutorials,consisting of aptitude test tutorial videos. They help candidates consolidate knowledge, improve speed and build up their confidence confidence. The films feature animations to provide visual insights on how some things work.  In addition to these are aptitude test e-books These contain explicit notes on how to solve various problems, and key shortcuts that would help save time.  Furthermore, practice aptitude tests and practice reasoning tests are offered to enhance exposure, help candidates in self-timing and boosting confidence that is requisite in scoring high on the real test.
Past users of these tests strongly recommend this site, with over 2,000 likes on the Facebook page alone and nearly 100,000 views on a recently launched YouTube channel. These platforms would enhance the site’s visibility to other potential users and hopefully add the numbers of users. A key advantage of this site is that the tests can be done anywhere, any time and the subscription rates are very affordable. Unlike other aptitude tests that offer only one aspect of tests for example numerical only, this site does offer an all round exposure and therefore one needs not go from site to site trying to gain various exposures.
Jobs are really hard to come by. The available ones are very competitive and therefore there is a need to prepare sufficiently for the “guillotine”. The technological advancements and rising costs of doing business favour efficient, accountable recruitment processes. Failing to plan is planning to fail, so the mantra goes.

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How to Pass Graduate Recruitment Tests?

So you’re fresh out of school and applying for the job you’ve spent the last few years studying and preparing for. You’ve got the lambskin diploma to back you up. But you’re not out of the woods yet.
Because as it turns out, as you start applying to a graduate job, many of your employers are going to require something from you as a graduate recruit – a graduate recruitment test or, a company aptitude test.
Typically, aptitude tests are meant to test you on a variety of topics that your employer feels you’ll need when you take on the job you’re applying for. One of the most common types of tests you’ll be taking- the SHL reasoning test– comes with a variety of sections, including ones that covernumerical reasoninglogical reasoningabstract reasoning, and diagrammatic reasoning. You might also be expected to complete the Saville reasoning test – which covers a wide variety of logical reasoning questions.
In short, your employer wants to make sure that you’ve got a basic handle on all the skills and smarts that the job requires. And for many employers, aptitude tests are almost like you’re being slotted on the first day of the job – all without clocking you in. It’s an easy way to know for sure if you’re the right person for the position.
With how important recruitment aptitude tests can be, it’s imperative to make sure that you’ve got a good handle on the material involved. And if you remember anything from your days back in university, you understand the importance of studying and preparing yourself for all kinds of exams. Aptitude test preparation is of utmost importance.
The number of questions varies from test to test. For example, the typical SHL numerical reasoning exam might have anywhere from 18 questions while an inductive reasoning exam might have about 24 questions. Chances are, you’ll have anywhere from 15 to 30 minutes to complete each exam and answer test questions, depending on how many questions it has and the subject matter.
Before you take your exam, it helps to have a good night’s sleep and a well-rounded breakfast. These aptitude tests may be shorter than your midterms and final exams back at university were, but they’re no less important. After all, how well you do on an aptitude test might affect whether or not a prospective employer will want to hire you.
There’s a ton of resources out there designed to help you feel better prepared for taking recruitment aptitude tests. For one, there are recruitmentGraduate Monkey test tutorials that will help guide you step by step through various aptitude tests. Websites like aptutorial, and have video tutorials designed to give you a good idea of what to expect when you take the exam.
There are also numerous websites out there that offer aptitude test preparation material, workbooks, and even practice tests to help you hone your skills.
Graduate Monkey, for instance, offers aptitude test preparation guides on a 4-month subscription basis. They also offer free recruitment test tutorials and videos designed to give you a good idea of what to expect and help you optimize your chances of finding your ideal career.
Well, you’ve got the resources. So what do you do?
Don’t wait until the last minute to prepare for your test. Cramming for your aptitude test in only one night before you take it won’t do you any favors.
Give yourself ample study time.
If you’re the kind of person who likes to take lots of notes and highlights passages- pick yourself up an aptitude test preparation work book. Then you can mark all the passages you need to and highlight any terms that you need to focus on.
Taking a practice test, whether that’s online or in a workbook, will do wonders for helping you prepare for the kinds of questions that will be asked on the aptitude test. Pay attention to any kinds of questions you had trouble with or got wrong- you’ll want to make sure you have a better understanding of these kinds of questions when you go to take your aptitude test.
When you’re testing for the aptitude exam, there are a few things to keep in mind.
For one, don’t leave questions unanswered. Most aptitude exams are multiple choice. If you’re confused about a question and you’re not sure what the answer is, sometimes it’s okay to guess the answer on the test, unless you’re told otherwise.
And when your aptitude test is scored, what tends to happen is, employers won’t take into account your complete score but instead how well you measure up to other applicants and people with similar backgrounds to you.
So when you take an aptitude test, it is key that you prepare yourself so you’re better able to ace the exam. After all, the best employee is a well prepared one, whether that’s on the job or while you’re testing.

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How to Maximize Efficiency of Graduates to Pass Exams?

Graduation doesn’t necessarily guarantee a career right off the bat, much as prospective job applicants would like to believe otherwise.
Graduate job, though one would assume the mere fact that a graduate has gone to school and thus studied would be enough, often have additional requirements expected from the employers involved with graduate recruitment.
Whether these requirements entail aptitude tests for recruitment or graduate ability test, the unfortunate truth of the matter is, many graduates don’t meet these additional requirements employers are looking for when it comes to filling a position with fresh graduates.
With the proper tools, perhaps we can ensure more graduates go on to pass aptitude examinations.
Various companies produce a wide variety of aptitude tests for graduates used by employers every year to test potential graduate recruits on a number of various skills that graduates are expected to have mastered by the time they graduate university.
There’s the SHL tests– among the most commonly used aptitude tests that employers use. Applicants, using a variety of these tests, are evaluated on topics ranging from numeracy, to logical, and even visual awareness. Kenexa reasoning test is another popular subject for employers to test applicants on.
The purpose of these tests is to determine if graduates understand the fundamental skills required by the various positions they may find themselves applying for.
To ensure that the optimal number of graduates are passing examination, it is in turn of utmost importance for graduates to receive the proper tools and preparation they need in order to pass these exams with above passing scores.
There are numerous sites out there offering practice tests meant to allow potential applicants to test their skills before they’re to go in and take the physical test upon job application. These graduate online aptitude testgive applicants a sense of what to expect when taking these exams- from the structure of the test to the kinds of material covered by them.
More sites still offer resources for graduates- from free graduate test videos, to test preparation, and even recruitment test tutorials designed to help graduates conquer the various types of professional sample aptitude tests floating around out there.
To ensure that more graduates are able to successfully pass these exams is to ensure that graduates have the access to different graduate online test portals. To do so is to ensure a robust population of young, bright professionals prepared for numerous situations they may encounter upon entering the job market.
Test results may not be the only factor employers look at when it comes to hiring new applicants- but it’s certainly a key element where upon one’s score can affect whether a young graduate can be guaranteed a career. To neglect the results of companies’ aptitude test is to neglect the chances of one finding employment with a desired company.
Should an applicant be well prepared for taking an aptitude test for recruitment, such examinations can ensure, according to Georgina Clatworthy of Human, that these exams can be “a representative measure of performance similar to actually placing that person in the job.”
With such expectations hinging on the exam itself, it’s no wonder that employers frequently rely on such tests to determine whether an applicant is right for them.
test for job recruitment can provide employers with a practical method to determine whether an applicant holds the optimal skills and knowledge required to perform the job according to the employer’s expectations and requirements.
Simply put, when a graduate does pass an aptitude test and earns a higher than average score, he or she is signaling to his or her potential employer that they are a competent, well equipped, and optimal employee and well suited for whatever position they’re testing for.
College itself provides the necessary education and training minimally required of any graduate applying for a position. But the name of the university itself does not simply open doors for the graduate entering the job market. If it were that easy, no college student would ever have to worry about their chances of finding their ideal career upon graduation.
Thus, it is up to the graduate applying for work to prepare for recruitment aptitude test and prove to potential employers that they are the ideal candidates suitable for the job the employer is hiring for.
And with the numerous resources available out there for graduates preparing to take aptitude examinations, graduates have the power to prepare themselves and understand the fundamental skills required for any job they choose to apply for.
It takes more than a degree to find one’s ideal career. It requires graduates take on the responsibility of ensuring they are competent and well prepared for whatever requirements an employer may ask of potential recruits.
The ideal career may not fall onto a graduate’s lap overnight but with the right tools and graduate test preparation, a graduate is certain to find one.

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 Aptitude Test– What does it Evaluate?

If you’re a graduate looking for work after university, chances are that many of your employers require you to take an aptitude career test. You’ve probably, at some point, wondered why so many employers require these tests and what they all mean.
Well, many employers use a variety of different exams to test you on various skills they expect you to have mastered before you take on a job in the position they’re hiring for. Depending on the kind of job you’re applying for, employers use aptitude career tests to help determine if you’re a competent, well rounded candidate.
For example, the Cubiks test, which is a common test many businesses you might be applying for expect you to take, tests one’s problem solving skills, especially when it comes to numerical and verbal literacy. Many of the verbal problem solving questions you’ll be expected to answer concern how well you’ve got a handle on the English language- for example, you might be asked about antonyms or how to use deduction and reasoning. When you’re being quizzed on your numerical reasoning, you might be expected to complete a variety of simple and complex equations to ensure you’ve got a good handle on basic, mathematical skills and concepts.
Often times, many numerical reasoning tests will have you interpret information in graphs and charts to see if you’ve got a good handle on how to interpret data and statistics. These are important skills you’ll have to use on a daily basis in many of the jobs you’ll be applying for.
Abstract reasoning test, which is a common component of many aptitude tests you’ll be expected to take, involve testing your ability to analyze information and solve problems with complex thought processes. You’ll have to be able to make deductions, form theories, and understand the various relationships between verbal and non-verbal concepts.
The OneTest cognitive ability test relates to how well you’re able to reason and utilize various thinking styles in order to answer a variety of different questions. You’ll be tested on numericalverbal, and nonverbal reasoning as well as your English proficiency and your deductive reasoning skills. And often times, you’ll only be given 23 seconds to answer each question, so quick that thinking is key.
A very important skill many employers will test you on is how well you’ve got a handle on mechanical reasoning. If you’re applying to become an engineer or are entering a technical field, you’ll probably be expected to take a mechanical reasoning test. During this test, you’ll be expected to utilize your knowledge of simple machines and physics in order to solve a variety of mechanical scenarios. And if you’re entering a mechanically inclined field, your employers want to know you’ll have the right skills and tools to be able to handle complex machinery and physical applications.
The TalentLens test is designed to test how well you can utilize various critical thinking strategies. For example, you’ll be tested on how well you can clarify your understanding of a subject, whether you can analyze and interpret the processes you took to reach a logical conclusion, and if you can make logical decisions based on the evidence you’re provided with.
Another common type of test you may be expected to take is the SHL aptitude test, which many employers use to test prospective employees. Some of the sections the SHL aptitude test covers include sections on numerical, verbal, or logical reasoning. Some employers such as PwC may even require a SHL personality questionnaire which is a type of psychometric assessment.
The Kenexa reasoning test also involves sections on numerical, verbal, and logical reasoning. Many employers will have prospective recruits take the logical reasoning portion, which involves using inductive reasoning to complete patterns and answer questions logically. Kenexa verbal testsare often tailored for individual positions and not only question how well you can utilize your verbal reasoning skills but can give your prospective employer a good idea on your managerial skills. Kenexa format is popular in investment banking and fund management industry.
And last but not least, one of the other tests you may be expected to take is the Saville reasoning test, which covers how well you’ll be able to use abstract critical reasoning in order to make a decision in various situations.
In order to pass any ability test or aptitude test you may be expected to take, it is important that you’re well prepared and know what to expect so you’re not caught off guard on test day.
Whether that means seeing aptitude test tutorials (aptutorials) or studying the different types of questions you may be expected to tackle during actual tests your employers are having you take, being prepared will give you a better chance to receive the highest aptitude test marksand be able to ace any aptitude exam. After all, many employers rely on the percentage of candidates who are efficient enough to pass aptitude tests to know whether they’re right for the job and it is their responsibility to prove that they are – before they give them a chance for an interview!

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Friday 26 September 2014

Graduate Monkey: Your Key to a Successful Career

So you’re fresh out of college. You’ve worn the cap, you’ve tossed it, and now you’re filling out job application after job application. You’re hunting like a hound for your dream career but as it turns out, it’s not as easy as just graduating and jumping right into a desk with a name plate on it.
As it turns out, finding the perfect job’s going to take a few more steps than that. For one, you’ve got to know how to deal with the aptitude tests.
“What?!”you cry. “More tests? You’re kidding me, aren’t you? I just graduated college. I thought I’d never have to take an exam again!”
But even if you’re fresh out of college and you’ve had your fair share of final exams and midterms to spare, even the idea of taking yet another test can be daunting. If you’re anything like me, you’ve had your fair share of test anxiety. The sleepless nights. Biting your nails to the nubs. That double, maybe triple knot in your stomach.
Even the word exam can inspire a fair amount of terror. Believe me, we’ve all been there. Haven’t you had enough of all these tests?
And what the heck is on these tests anyway?
Well as it turns out, many employers require aptitude tests to know if you, the graduate hunting for work, are right for the job. You’ll be tested under the requirements of the SHL test- which covers a variety of fields. SHL is a company that provides a variety of tests that cover all sorts of ground employers want to make sure you have a good handle on.
There are tests for SHL numerical reasoningSHL abstract reasoning, SHL logical reasoning, and sometimes, you’ll even be tested on how well you’ve got a handle on your diagrammatic reasoning- or how well you can interpret visual information, like charts or graphs.
Basically, these tests are so your prospective employer can rest assured that, you, the test taker, are no monkey, no sir. Your employer wants to make sure they’re got the right man or woman for the job. And you want to make sure you can take whatever they can dish.
But you’re not alone. There’s help for you out there.
Graduate Monkey is a resource designed to help prepare you for SHL aptitude tests. Offering everything from aptitude test tutorialsaptitude test video tutorialsaptitude test preparation packages, their goal is to help you knock the socks off your employer.
You might be wondering “well, what’s the minimum score you need to pass?” But why not do more than that? With a little help, you can work towards getting the highest score possible.
Employers love aptitude tests. And no two aptitude tests are the same. So the goal of is to give you the right tools provided to ace an aptitude test and to come prepared. There are even practice reasoning tests, in addition to eBooks and tutorial videos to help you get a head start.
After all, many people (as many as three out of four applicants) who apply for a graduate level job never make it past the aptitude test level.
You don’t want to be that guy or girl.
Graduate Monkey offers monthly subscriptions for their test preparation materials- so if you’re interested, there’s a variety of options for you to match whatever kind of budget you’ve got.
Hey, you’re fresh out of college. Chances are, your diploma didn’t come with a dotted treasure map leading to Scrooge McDuck’s swimming pool bank.
If you’re looking to ace your aptitude exams, I highly recommend giving Graduate Monkey a look around because they offer aptitude test 3-in-1 prep packs.
It’s hard enough hunting for work after school. But with the right resources, you can not only find the ideal job, but you can ace whatever aptitude tests your employer dishes at you.
The key to success is having the right tools at hand.
Whether you need to ace a numerical reasoning test, a math test, or show your employer you’re not a monkey’s uncle, having the right idea of what to do on an aptitude test is the best thing you can do to ensure you’ve got it made.
Hey, you’ve spent several years in school. Isn’t it about high time you find the career that you put all your time, money, and gumption into studying for?
Successfully acing an aptitude test can make a huge difference between one day ending up at that desk with your name on it and a thinly sympathetic phone call from the hiring manager “I’m sorry, but you’re just not right for the job.”
Well, with a resource like Graduate Monkey, you could be one step closer to finding the job of your dreams.

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