Sunday 12 April 2015

Error Checking test
What Is Error Checking Test?
Error Checking Test is a type of aptitude test that assesses your ability to quickly evaluate and identify any errors in complex data sets (called strings) such as codes, any combinations of alpha-numeric characters, etc.
Generally speaking, error checking tests assess your ability to compare a string of figures or numbers and match them up to one of the options offered.  You will be presented with a string of either numerical, alphabetical, or alpha-numerical data and you have to compare this string to either a number of different possibilities or to a line in a piece of text.  Error checking aptitude tests are conducted under severe time constraints. A typical error checking test will give you 20 seconds per question.  Therefore, without an understanding of how they work, what they look like and how to answer them quickly, you will not be able to do yourself justice.  With proper training, you will be able to achieve a much better score result. Practice does not mean years or even months. In fact you could improve your test performance in matter of weeks if not days so it is well worth putting in this little bit of effort in order to secure your desired job.
Is Error Checking an Aptitude Test?
Error Checking test is commonly (and perhaps, mistakenly) categorised as an “aptitude test” referring to one’s innate ability to easily detect errors in complex data sets.  However, practice shows that anyone can rapidly improve their error (data) checking skills by understanding types of data strings, errors, and by practicing such tests.  Therefore, labelling it as an “aptitude test” is questionable at best. Perhaps, it better fits the label of “ability” rather than “aptitude” test.

Practice Makes Perfect
Because Error Checking Test is not really an aptitude test it is possible to improve your performance much more quickly than you can improve your numerical or logical (inductive or abstract) reasoning skills. Aptitude test tutorials or aptutorials can be used to achieve this goal.  The best way to prepare may be to use a combination of tutorials and practice tests for maximum results on the actual error checking test.
Data Checking (Aptitude or Ability) Tests
Data Checking Test is similar to Error Checking Test with slight differences.  One key difference of the Data Checking Test is that you have less data to work with.  The data checking test is a more simple form of the error checking test with fewer items to check through.  For example, you may be given a table containing many alpha-numeric strings and have to compare them to one string that you have been given.  You will then have to check the correct one off the table of strings.

Who Takes Error Checking Tests?
  • Error checking aptitude tests can be used for a variety of positions including:
  • Administrative staff in the private and public sector
  • Commercial staff in sales
  • Marketing
  • Business development and financial services
  • Customer staff in call centres
  • Education
  • Health
  • Hospitality and leisure
  • Operational staff in engineering, construction, manufacturing and transport
Specifically, in a common Kenexa format error checking test, you will be provided with two sets (or lists) of data strings to compare such as codes, currency values, credit card numbers, dates, car plate numbers, etc.  For each given string of data, you should say whether the two sets contain the SAME or DIFFERENT items. This specific test format (with the two sets of data strings) is used by test providers such as Kenexa.
The two sets will have headings named “Same” and “Different” respectively.
If the given data strings in both sets match exactly, the correct answer must be “SAME”.
If the given data strings are different, the correct answer must be “DIFFERENT”.
An example is provided below:
Error checking example
Error Checking Test Tips for Success
Potential employers/recruiters would like candidates to perform to the best of their ability during their assessment. Therefore making sure that candidates are fully prepared and ready for their test is in everyone’s interest. The following are tips and advice regarding Error Checking Testpreparation.
  1. Read all instructions: Although it may seem like common sense, a surprising number of candidates skip important details in the instructions. The instructions may contain vital information regarding the test, which may be pivotal in correctly answering the questions. Always take the time to read every piece of information provided to you by the test publisher and the employing organisation.
  2. Practice before hand: Research suggests that the validity of cognitive ability tests is increased after candidates have practiced. Therefore, it is in everyone’s best interest to ensure that candidates are well prepared for a psychometric test. Candidates can find free or cheap example psychometric tests online quite easily, and it is recommended that you try one out before completing the real thing.
  3. Up-to-date web browser: Modern psychometric tests use specialist online testing platforms to deliver tests to candidates. Therefore, candidates are advised to ensure that their web browser is up to date, helping avoid any issues regarding compatibility. Similarly, candidates may need to disable any popup blockers when undertaking an online error checking test.
  4. Stay calm: Psychometric tests can feel particularly nerve-racking, and error checking tests are no exception. It is recommended that you make every attempt to keep calm during your test, as excess test anxiety may serve to negatively impact your performance. Getting plenty of rest the night before, completing well within the deadline and preparing thoroughly will serve to keep you calm during your error checking test.
  5. Work quickly and accurately. Accuracy is very important as incorrect answers may count against you. Error checking tests typically have short time limits compared to other cognitive ability tests. Therefore, it is very important to perform both quickly and accurately when completing an error checking test. Working quickly may require some practice to ensure top performance.
Keep in mind that at the end of the day, it is determination and perseverance that unleashes a genius in you, not your genetic package. Two of history’s brightest minds were called something less than a genius in their childhood: Einstein was mocked for his lack of ability to express himself while Thomas Edison was called outright stupid. Still, they went on and changed the world.
We hope you have enjoyed this short information piece on the error checking aptitude test and we hope to hear from you in the near future. Good luck in your next aptitude test.

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